
too dense Learn more about too dense

  • What is the yield of dodder per mu if the dodder is too dense?

    What is the yield of dodder per mu if the dodder is too dense?

    If the planting is too dense, you can pull out some of the dodder in an appropriate amount, or plant a little more of the crops planted with it, because dodder is a parasitic crop, so it is usually mixed with crops such as soybeans, which is good for its growth.

    2020-11-08 Dodder seed planted too dense how to do yield per mu have how much
  • How to trim the green apple too dense?

    How to trim the green apple too dense?

    Cut the overgrown branches from the stem and try not to hurt its roots. After pruning, new branches will grow again and should be trimmed again in time. The overgrown branches and bifurcated branches should also be pruned in time, and the yellow leaves should be dealt with in time in the growth process, so as to avoid the phenomenon of spread.

  • One trick to solve the problem of green pineapple and yellow leaves without pulling vines. Green pineapple is going crazy this summer.

    One trick to solve the problem of green pineapple and yellow leaves without pulling vines. Green pineapple is going crazy this summer.

    Green pineapple is no stranger to everyone. Some people are happy and worried about raising green pineapple. The joy is that this product is so good that it will grow into a green waterfall accidentally! The worry is that this product is too difficult to raise, raise a basin to die, can barely feed a basin, also.

  • How to raise Zhu Jiao and Fugui bamboo together?

    How to raise Zhu Jiao and Fugui bamboo together?

    Cut the leaves at the base of the bacon rich bamboo respectively: before entering the bottle, remove the leaves at the base of the cuttings, and cut the base into an oblique edge with a sharp knife, the knife edge should be smooth, in order to increase the absorption area of water and nutrients. Every 3-4 days, change the water, can put in a few pieces of charcoal antiseptic

  • How do you raise Zhu Jiao?

    How do you raise Zhu Jiao?

    How do you raise Zhu Jiao? Good Zhu banana trunk tall and straight, bright leaves, tufted leaves like an umbrella, posture is very elegant, is an excellent indoor foliage plant. In order to make the plant shape plump, Zhu Jiao should pay attention to the following points: Zhu Jiao likes a warm and humid environment, but he can also tolerate shade and is not resistant to cold and frost.

  • I hear you have a dense phobia? Let me treat you. What does it feel like?

    I hear you have a dense phobia? Let me treat you. What does it feel like?

    Many meat lovers say they have dense phobia. what kind of experience is it? Will it be uncomfortable to see such succulent plants? In the end how uncomfortable, how uncomfortable. Will it be good to see too much? please tell me about it. Then I'll send it more like this.

  • Experience of dwarfing and dense planting of jujube

    Experience of dwarfing and dense planting of jujube

    The dwarfing and dense planting cultivation of jujube is to change the large sparsely planted trees into short and compact plants similar to small shrubs, which is a new cultivation mode. This model is beneficial to saving land resources, intensive cultivation and modern management. Jujube tree boy

    2020-11-08 Dwarfing dense planting cultivation jujube experience dwarfing
  • How to raise a potted yew? Culture method of potted Taxus chinensis

    How to raise a potted yew? Culture method of potted Taxus chinensis

    How to raise a potted yew? Culture method of potted Taxus chinensis

  • When is it good to prune deciduous trees and pomegranates in spring, summer, autumn and winter? How to trim and reshape?

    When is it good to prune deciduous trees and pomegranates in spring, summer, autumn and winter? How to trim and reshape?

    Pomegranate, also known as Shanliye, Danruo, Ruomu, Jinpang, Tulin, Tianjia, is a common fruit tree in Jiangsu, Henan and other places. At present, pomegranate is also planted in most areas of our country. If pomegranate is to be high-yielding, it needs to be pruned to promote the growth of lateral branches.

    2020-11-09 Deciduous leaves trees pomegranates spring summer autumn winter
  • Pruning method of pomegranate bonsai

    Pruning method of pomegranate bonsai

    Pomegranate bonsai pruning method, pomegranate is a tufted shrub, numerous branches and leaves, poor ventilation and light transmission, in order to make it grow strong, pruning and shaping is very important, it can be pruned according to its branching and flowering habits. Pomegranate can produce 2 or 3 new shoots in a year, with more flowers on spring shoots and less flowers on summer and autumn shoots.

  • Summer pruning techniques of Modern Dwarf densely planted Apple Orchard

    Summer pruning techniques of Modern Dwarf densely planted Apple Orchard

    Summer pruning techniques of Modern Dwarf densely planted Apple Orchard

  • High-yield technology of dense-pod sesame

    High-yield technology of dense-pod sesame

    Sesame Yizhi No. 1 is a kind of sesame with high yield, drought resistance and lodging resistance, pods are very dense, one leaf is 3-7 capsules, overlapping, no culms are dense, the seeds are pure white, the oil content is more than 55%, the growth period is 110 days in spring sowing, 85-90 days in summer sowing, 100 kg ~ 150 kg sesame seeds per 667 square meters and 220 kg sesame seeds per 667 square meters. 1. Soil preparation and fertilization: before cultivated land, 1000 kg of farm manure, 40 kg of superphosphate and 10 kg of potassium sulfate or potassium chloride are applied every 667m2.

  • Leaf spot of Fugui bamboo

    Leaf spot of Fugui bamboo

    The initial stage of the symptoms is brown spots, the edges are yellow; the disease spots gradually expand into round, central gray, the edges are dark brown, and the surrounding yellow; black grains appear on the disease spots under wet conditions. The prevention and cure method prevents the plant from being too dense and maintains ventilation and light transmission. When the growth is too dense, prune it in time and remove the diseased leaves in time

  • Sewing machine for stitching folding belt

    Sewing machine for stitching folding belt

    Sewing machine for stitching folding belt

  • Experience Exchange of Initial Melon Planting

    Experience Exchange of Initial Melon Planting

    In 2009, the price of Elizabeth melon was surprisingly good. The greenhouse was planted early and sold for 5 yuan per catty; the first crop melon in the arch shed sold for nearly 3 yuan per catty. Even the price of the second crop melon was similar to that of the first crop melon in previous years, about 1.5 yuan per catty. So many vegetable farmers planted Elizabeth this spring.

  • Identification methods of original and cultivated species of Edible Fungi

    Identification methods of original and cultivated species of Edible Fungi

    The mycelium of Lentinus edodes is white, stout, stretched and uniform, with neat edges and fast growth; it develops in the shape of fan feathers in the bottle wall, grows sturdily and secretes soy sauce-colored water droplets. After the mycelium grows full, the amber transparent liquid is often seen within 10-15 days, and it has the unique fragrant smell of Lentinus edodes, no odor and mildew smell. If the mycelium column in the bottle is separated from the bottle wall, it shows that the culture material is caused by too much water; if it is separated, the mycelium column begins to shrink again, and the surface mycelium skin thickens and turns dark brown, indicating that the strain has begun to age and cannot

  • Production technology of ornamental bonsai of red eggplant in Africa

    Production technology of ornamental bonsai of red eggplant in Africa

    When more and more bonsai vegetables are brought into the family decoration, the sudden rise of African red eggplant is favored by people for its ornamental characteristics of scarlet fruit. With the development of market demand, how to make seedling farm producers have high yield and high quality has become a stepping stone for production, cultivation and promotion.

  • Pruning method of bonsai of Phoenix tail bamboo

    Pruning method of bonsai of Phoenix tail bamboo

    Phyllostachys pubescens will continue to pull out tender culms from the rhizosphere in the growing season, and if it is too high and affects the overall composition, the overhigh part can be cut off. Phoenix tail bamboo bonsai pay attention to posture and charm, its skills must be stooping, dense and elegant, high and low. When there are too many stalks, there will be a sense of dense air blockage, which will affect the ornamental effect of bonsai. The overdense branches should be thinned according to the growth situation, and the weak ones should be cut off.

  • How should pomegranate trees be trimmed? When is the best season for pruning? -- Pomegranate tree pruning techniques for the four seasons are as follows

    How should pomegranate trees be trimmed? When is the best season for pruning? -- Pomegranate tree pruning techniques for the four seasons are as follows

    Can not have a good grasp of pomegranate pruning technology, so that some ineffective branches, buds and other consumption of nutrition, affecting the expansion and growth of normal fruit, resulting in a reduction in yield. So the pruning of pomegranate trees is very important in the process of pomegranate growth, so how should it be pruned? In

    2020-11-09 Pomegranate tree should how prune in what season best -
  • What if the leek grows thinner and thinner?

    What if the leek grows thinner and thinner?

    What if the leek grows thinner and thinner?
